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Language peer sets for Prolog IV:
Designed 1996
1990s languages
Fifth generation
Post-Cold War
Genus Horn clause
String and List Processing
Horn clause
Data representation
Horn clause/1996
Context-based /1996
Data representation/1996
Horn clause/International
Context-based /International
Data representation/International
String and List Processing
String and List Processing/1996
String and List Processing/aa

Prolog IV(ID:5520/pro045)

Prolog II with extra constraints etc 

alternate simple view
Country: International
Designed 1996
Genus: Horn clause
Sammet category: String and List Processing

from Contraints FAQ:
"Prolog IV is an ISO-compliant replacement for the Prolog III language. It incorporates all the main features of Prolog III with some important changes. Prolog IV allows programmers to express a wide variety of constraints over real and rationnal numbers, integers (finite domains), booleans and lists.

In addition to expressing classical linear programming problems on discrete and continuous quantities this permits among other things the adressing of mixed real/integers problems and the use of boolean operations to formalize constraint disjunctions. The algorithms include a non-optimised algorithm for lists (different from Prolog III), Gauss and Simplex algorithms for equations and linear inequalities over rationals, and an interval method for approximate solving of non-linear constraints over reals. The compiler is integrated into a complete graphic programming environnment featuring the following tools: project editor, multi-window text editor, grapher, debugger, and on-line help. "

Related languages
Prolog III Prolog IV   Evolution of

  • Narboni, Guy A. (1999) Narboni, Guy A. "From Prolog III to Prolog IV: The Logic of Constraint Programming Revisited" Constraints 4(4) December 1999 pp313-335 Abstract
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